Landscape Lighting for Outdoor Security

If you want to increase security and extend the hours of outdoor enjoyment on your property, consider landscape lights outside your home.
Estate Sales & Auctions

Estate sales and auctions make for a great weekend event to take your family hunting for treasures and deals you won’t find anywhere else.
Fix a Torn Window Screen

Screens are fairly simple and inexpensive to fix. With the right materials, you can fix a screen in less than an hour for about $20 or less.
Tree Diseases in West Michigan

Tree diseases common to the West Michigan area include Oak Wilt Disease, a fungus, and Beech Bark Disease which is caused by insects..

If your family produces a large amount of kitchen scraps, why not compost and use them as a natural fertilizer for your garden?
Homeowners Insurance

When it comes to your home, and everything inside that has value, it’s important to keep those it insured with homeowners insurance.
Structured Wiring

Structured wiring provides flexibility, the ability to move phone, computer and TV locations throughout the building without costly hassles.
Plant Trees

A rule that everyone should live by: for every tree that is cut down, two more should be planted. Planting trees can save the environment.
Muddy Driveways

With all the snow that winter brings, there is sure to be muddy lawns and driveways once the snow melts and the rain starts.
Ice & Snow Removal

Removing ice and snow from your roof can prevent damage later. Here are tips on how to keep your roof clear.