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Featured West Michigan Businesses

When you shop locally, it helps your community to thrive. These business owners live, work, and contribute to their community. Their reputation is important to them, so they strive to offer you the very best in products and services. 

The businesses which are featured in this section of our website include West Michigan stores, restaurants, and service businesses ready to provide you with just the right product or special assistance you’re looking for. Check them out today!

On This Page

Shopping & Services

You can shop till you drop in West Michigan! You'll love the friendly service and unique products found at a variety of businesses in West Michigan, all happy to serve you with a smile!

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Places to Stay

West Michigan offers many options for a good night's sleep. Choose from hotels, motels, resorts, cottages, rental homes, and campgrounds. View our featured businesses below for a great place to stay in West Michigan.

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Things to Do

There are so many activities and attractions for you to enjoy, you will never run out of fun things to do in West Michigan. View our featured businesses below, and select your adventure.

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Food & Beverage

Eating and drinking are at the top of everyone's list. More than just nourishment, a good meal with good company is sure to satisfy. Choose from a wide variety of dine-in restaurants, take-out, party stores, specialty groceries, and more.

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Scroll below for more Local Businesses in the West Michigan area.

West Michigan Business Directory

North Country Trail

Created in 1980, this trail has 1,000 miles running through Michigan, which also runs through the Huron-Manistee National Forest.

Grand Traverse Lighthouse

The Grand Traverse Lighthouse is situated at the end of the Leelanau Peninsula within, about eight miles north of the town of Northport.

Mason County Cultural Trails

A site to behold along Lake Michigan, these structures with a rich history give both a sense of safety and a beautiful site.