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Michigan's Free Activity Weekends

The State of Michigan offers its residents and outstate visitors "free" weekends to fish, ORV, or snowmobile each year.

Free Fishing Weekends

June 7th-8th, 2025 & February 2026

For both days, all fishing licenses will be waived, but fishing regulations still apply. Enjoy great fishing on inland lakes and all five Great Lakes. Some of the best fishing is right here in West Michigan, with salmon, trout, walleye, and pike in plentiful supply.

Whether you’re an experienced angler, or want to give it a try for the first time, these two weekends offer the opportunity for great fishing fun.

Looking to rent a boat for the free fishing weekend in June? Check out our West Michigan Boating & Fishing Directory!

Free ORV Weekends

June 7th-8th & August 16th-17th, 2025

Michigan residents and out-of-state visitors can ride DNR-designated routes and trails without purchasing an ORV license or trail permit. The first free weekend coincides with Michigan’s June Free Fishing Weekend.

There are 4,000 miles of state-designated ORV routes and trails and the state’s six scramble areas (Bull Gap, Black Lake Scramble Area, Holly Oaks ORV Park, Silver Lake State Park, The Mounds and St. Helen’s Motorsport Area). Participants must adhere to all other ORV rules and laws, and the Recreation Passport is still required where applicable.

Free Snowmobiling Weekend

January 2026

This weekend allows snowmobilers to operate their machines without a snowmobile registration or trail permit. Operators must still follow all rules and regulations over snowmobiling in Michigan.

The state instituted this event to allow snowmobilers to hit the trails quickly and to allow out-of-state visitors to check out the huge variety of trails that Michigan has to offer.

What's going on now in West Michigan?

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West Michigan Activities & Attractions

Winter in Manistee County

Winter in Manistee County includes great outdoor activities like skiing, snow shoeing, hiking, ice skating, and more.

West Arm of Grand Traverse Bay from high overlook of Old Mission Peninsula in the fall.

Old Mission Peninsula

Visit the Old Mission Peninsula, situated between the west arm and east arm of Grand Traverse Bay.

Grand Traverse Lighthouse

The Grand Traverse Lighthouse is situated at the end of the Leelanau Peninsula within, about eight miles north of the town of Northport.