Photo by Todd and Brad Reed Photography

Pere Marquette River Fishing Reports

Fishing Reports by the Month

All Reports are from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNRE) — unless otherwise noted

March Fishing Reports


Decent rain raised the water level of the river. Fish were reported to be in the system, but still far from peak numbers.

Past Fishing Reports

Steelhead fishing only will get better as we move closer to spring. Water temperatures were still a bit cold, running in the mid to upper 30s. Those fly fishing are hooking some fish.

Was also producing steelhead.

Steelhead were caught by those fly fishing. Hot colors were pink, purple and blue.

The bite was slow but those putting in the time were getting a couple steelhead. Most were found in the slow deep water. 

April Fishing Reports

Steelhead anglers are out but catch rates were slow.

May Fishing Reports

Also had some higher flows but anglers were still catching some trout. The river is starting to see some good fly hatches.

July Fishing Reports

PM River fishing has been rather slow, up stream water is low, clear and warming up fast. –Reported by Pere Marquette Expeditions

August Fishing Reports


Salmon were reported to be in light numbers.

Salmon have been coming up, but there were no heavy numbers. 

Past Fishing Reports

Salmon are slowly starting to push up into the river. A couple Chinook were seen in the South Branch.

September Fishing Reports


Fish were reported to have been trickling up the river, just not in large numbers yet. 

Salmon have been coming up, but there were no heavy numbers. 

Past Fishing Reports

Salmon were still running and could be found in the South Branch in Oceana County. 

Water levels were up a bit and more fish were moving upriver, including some large salmon. Trout fishing in the upper river was good. 

A good run of Chinooks had begun. 

Was starting to see more some salmon moving up into the river as water temperatures were favorable with the cooler weather. The better fishing was in the lower reaches. 

October Fishing Reports

River was producing some steelhead. 

Salmon fishing is winding down. 

Water levels were receding in the upper stretches, but the lower stretches were still high. Anglers continue to catch some large Chinook. The rain will certainly help not only the salmon, but the fall steelhead runs as well. 

November Fishing Reports


The lower portion of the river was reported to have had decent numbers of salmon. Anglers found that floats and skein seemed to work best.

Past Fishing Reports

Anglers reported seeing a fair number of brown trout and were able to catch a few. Using flashy patterns as well as black and olive colors was reported to work well.

Continued to produce steelhead. The fish were bouncing back after the cold spell so the bite should be good for the next week or so. 

Also has steelhead, including some good size fish being caught. While the bite may have slowed with the cold weather, it should rebound once it warms back up. Try fishing the deeper holes. 

Water levels are up. Those targeting steelhead were getting a few, mainly on flies. Try an egg pattern or a bead. 

February Fishing Reports

Was also producing steelhead for those using spawn, beads and wax worms.

Was also producing steelhead.

Steelhead were caught by those fly fishing. Hot colors were pink, purple and blue.

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