Brethren Days

The Village of Brethren is located in Dickson Township about 15 miles east of Manistee. Brethren Days is held over Labor Day weekend.
Arcadia Daze

Annually, late in July, the Village population soars with attendees and participants in the annual Arcadia Daze celebration.
Kaleva Heritage Days

Kaleva Heritage Days is a festival which includes softball tournament, car show, pony rides, parade, arts and crafts, fireworks, and more.
Bear Lake Days

Bear Lake has a variety of activities for Bear Lake Days each July. Events include parade, fireworks, car show, kids activities, and more.
Clean Sweep Household Hazardous Waste & Pharmaceutical Collection Day

This service is provided to area residents each August in cooperation with the Michigan Water Stewardship Clean Sweep Program.
Performances in West Michigan

The communities along Lake Michigan are blessed with talented actors and musicians that entertain us throughout the year.
Pentwater Arts & Crafts Fairs

Pentwater is known for its art galleries, antiques shops and boutiques, so expect some great finds at their summer arts and crafts fairs.
Pentwater’s Christmas in the Village

Pentwater’s Christmas in the Village, held throughout the month of December, has carriage rides, shopping, craft fair, and more.
Scottville 10 + 31 Celebration

The Scottville Harvest Festival and Scottville Summer Fest are now one event called the “Scottville 10 + 31 Celebration”, held each August.
West Shore Art Fair

The annual West Shore Art Fair is managed by the Ludington Area Center for the Arts and is held each July at Rotary Park.